Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Every moment is His.


I just finished reading the most inspirational, Jesus filled story I have ever read. I literally couldn’t put it down. I read it in 24 hours.

It’s called “Kisses from Katie”. It’s a true story about a girl names Katie Davis who follows Jesus into Uganda right out of high school. She starts a nonprofit organization and has devoted her life to loving the Orphans and other broken people around her.

Shortly after I finished the book my initial inspiration turned into complete and utter despair concerning my own life. This beautiful, amazing, woman of God has devoted her life completely to Him in the most amazing way.

But what about me? What about the rest of us?

Here I am in Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania, spending my days driving around on nicely paved roads, showering daily with hot water, reading before bed by the light of electricity, and eating what I want when I want it. I don’t feel “called” anywhere else.

 All I know is that I am desperate to feel Jesus so closely; Desperate to be his hands and feet in this world.

So I began to think about what that means. What that means for us every day.
The simplest answer is this: “He must increase, but I must decrease.” ~ John 3:30

Notice that I said simplest, not easiest.

Sometimes it is not easy to pick up your bible instead of watching your favorite reality TV show, but it’s the simple solution to the stresses of the day.

As I’ve begun to think more about this, I have come to quite a few realizations. The first is that God gives me opportunities to be his hands and feet in every moment of every day. Today I had the opportunity to either take a nap, or to write a long letter to my beautiful sponsor child. Every morning I have the option of sleeping in for 15 more minutes or starting my day talking to my Savior. All day long I am surrounded by my 7 little students, who I have the choice to love with everything that I have in every moment.

I have a tendency to look at things in extremes. For instance, “I’m not literally saving children’s lives every day, so really what’s the point.” But who am I to say that my life and every moment isn’t being used by Jesus?

Last night I opened my bible to Romans 9:20-21, which reads:
“But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, “Why did you make me like this?” Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?”

My theologically educated father may have some incredible and different thoughts on what this passage is about, but to me it read like this:
“Who are you, Elizabeth, to tell me how to run the world? I created you to be exactly who you are and you are here in boring old Mechanicsburg for a very specific reason. You are not in charge. Just because it seems like others have been called to something greater, doesn’t mean that you’re calling is less. Live every moment for me, my sweet girl. Love the least of these. That is what I ask of you”

So my friends, for all of you who have ever felt left out of God’s great plan. Do not underestimate him constantly as I do. Give every moment to Him. Stay close by His side so that you are ready, in every moment, to be His hands and feet.

I will leave you three things.

First, a verse that is constantly on my heart and my lips:
2 Corinthians 12:9-But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Secondly, here’s a link to Katie Davis’ blog. The Lord is doing amazing things through this woman!

Thirdly, this is a link to the Amazima ministries website. This is the nonprofit organization that Katie founded. Check it out! Our Lord is doing amazing things!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Why America is Overweight and Unhealthy. My theory.

This isn’t exactly a scientific article. But it’s a good one.

America is overweight.

It’s all over TV, magazines, the radio. Everyone is looking for the next big weight loss secret. People spend hundreds of dollars on special diet foods, pills, drinks. Anything to help them shed the extra lbs.

So why isn’t this working?


It’s really classic 1st world behavior. We have a problem, but instead of backing up and looking at how things can be simplified to alleviate this problem, we complicate things more.

Instead of eating less processed foods, we’re eating more processed foods because their “fat free” “sugar free” “low fat”.

Tell me this people, Do you want to eat something that was chemically produced or something from the God given earth?

“sugar free” “fat free” whatever. I would rather eat simpler, regardless of the “number” associated with that particular food.

Instead of counting calories, let’s count ingredients.

If you can’t pronounce it there’s a good chance it has no business going through your digestive tract.

We’re not really conscious about what is going into our bodies. And in the end you may look cute in a bikini, but your food might as well be straight out of a test tube.

Unfortunately It’s pretty much impossible to cut out all processed foods. And there’s no need to drive yourself crazy doing so. But give some thought to what goes into your body.

Next time you reach for a “low fat” “fat free” “sugar free” option, check to see what you’re getting instead. Is it really worth it?

Check out these other articles:

Saturday, March 1, 2014

16 Habits of Highly Sensitive People

This is an article for the archives.


When did being so sensitive become a bad thing?

Number 5 is a big one for me.
Anything from what kind of ice cream to buy to what my next career move will be. Although in my defense, what if I get home and I actually really wanted mint chocolate chip ice cream not cookie dough? THEN WHAT?!!!!

Share your thoughts. Anyone else out there find this true of them??

Life According to my Neurosis: CH.2 Aviation

I don’t dislike flying.

Or even hate it really.

I completely and totally despise it.

A few months ago Eric (my soon to be hubby) went skydiving with a bunch of his buddies. He brought home a DVD of his experience and as we were all watching it, someone made the joke that, for me, jumping out of the plane would be the easy part. Good luck getting me on it in the first place.

To whatever family member said that…touche

But pretty much that sums up the greatness of this fear. I would rather jump out of a plane at 12,000 feet, than sit on one watching the newest blockbuster.

Now that I’m 23 I can throw a couple back and, if I’m flying with someone, just let them carry my unconscious body onboard.

I’m kidding.

Ok not really.

My favorite Lizz plane experience story to tell is about 6 years old (If you do the math I was 17)…

I was on my way home from boarding school in Arizona. I flew home every two months and each time was quite a surprise for all the flight attendants. But this one was a special treat.

As the plane took off I had a jolt of panic, one my anxious little brain couldn’t ignore. I unbuckled my seatbelt and literally ran screaming down the aisle to the back of the plane.

At this point I may have been hyperventilating, but I’m sure I looked absolutely hilarious in my plaid skirt and sweater, running around the plane like the crazy person I am.

On this particular flight there was a HUGE bouncer type flight attendant who happened to catch me on my second lap around the plane.. He kindly asked me what my problem was and that was when I DEMANDED that they land the plane.

“we’re not near an airport”

“so land anywhere. Somewhere. I need to get off this ungodly contraption NOW”

We went back and forth like this a few time until I think he felt sorry for me. I think that because he actually took my seat on the plane and let me sit in his cool back of the plane seat with the other stewardesses.

AND I got to spend the whole entire flight giving out peanuts to the other people on the plane, who were still probably just hoping I didn’t go psycho again.

It may have even been my calling…except for the flying part.