Friday, June 26, 2015

God's favorite. why I'll never be enough

I secretly want to be God's favorite.

I want to be His pride and joy, His perfect daughter, His warrior, His deepest love, I want to exceed His expectations, I want to outshine all His other people.

But then I wake up every morning and fall flat on my face; And sometimes I spend the whole day there, army crawling through the rest of the day.

What an exhausting life it is, when you are trying to be "enough" and there is no such thing.

In our daily lives we are encouraged to have more, be more, do more.

Facebook tells me my life isn't enough, Pinterest tells me my house isn't enough, Instagram tells me I'm not pretty enough, Twitter tells me I'm not witty enough.

Turning on the TV is toxic for the heart aching for enoughness. Every commercial is designed to leave you wanting more, needing more, searching for more.

And we take the bait.

Not all the time, but sometimes. It sucks us deeper into the ache for enoughness. We become slaves of the need to be the best, and the lie that it's achievable.

There's a battle within ourselves. A battle to search for enoughness, and to rest in it. Many of us know where we can really find it. We have known the peace that passes understanding. We have found it in an open field, or by the ocean, washing dishes, or cleaning floors.

It's all around us and within is, but still we search.

In Romans 7:15, Paul says this:
"For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate"

Does that sounds familiar? Probably because Paul was human too and he gets it.

He understands this pull to all this human, and this deep desire for all that is God.

The good news here is that God is our enoughness. He is our bread and our water, our great fortress, our deliverer, our King.

Somehow He knows us all so intimately. He knows the number of hairs on our head, our lying down and sitting up. He knows the deepest places of our hearts.

There is no need to impress Him, no need to win Him over, no need to be something in this world in order to be special to Him.

We will never be His favorite, because it is as if we are His only. In true God fashion, we will never understand how this can be. But we can rest in His enoughness, the peace that passes all understanding, the greatest love we will ever know.

This week in youth group our pastor showed this video to the teens. It's beautifully corny and incredibly powerful. I encourage you all to take 10 minutes and watch it.

Rest in His enoughness. It is freely given.


  1. That video has such beautiful words that we need to remember more often. This is something I struggle with almost daily, and I love how you said "We will never be His favorite, because it is as if we are His only". That's exactly right! Thanks for posting this!

    1. So glad that you found the video to be a reminder of God's love! We will never be able to fathom His kind of love, we just need to accept it! Thanks for reading!
